Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Beorn's Cottage Concepts Continued

Still working on an interior and details. May do more details to the elevations too in a bit. We'll see. Needs more carving and details.


It was looking rather plain so I added some carving. The reference images I have for the movie's version (which are all of 5 and of mostly interior and a couple not very good exteriors) showed a lot of heavy animal carving which i would have ascribed to anyhow. So I tried to follow that somewhat and come up with my own creative push. Some color concepts will flesh this out. I think I'm going to stay away from the interior and just focus on having a great exterior concept portfolio for this final. The interior is probably another week or two's worth of work just for basic concepts since the images I have are fragments of one room and I'd have to go into a full layout of rooms, crowd flow and all that fun stuff as well as concepts. 

BTW, the bee hives? Those are what some very rustic beehives look like (that or woven baskets) and they actually are on the building made for the movie from what I can tell. I thought it was a fun detail. When I looked up my own I had fun perusing all the different ways they used to harvest honey. Very instructive.

Also... I wish this would update the date or at least have a log of when I do an update. Guess I should just make another post instead of adding on to one, huh? Oh well. These were added Wednesday... the first three were tuesday. Something similar for the last post too. Bleh.

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