Thursday, August 29, 2013

Final Concepts - Beorn's Cottage

Here are the final three for my project. I may end up fleshing this out more on my own later. Now that I'm much more comfortable working digitally I can actually start to churn out some really quick sketches. Sketching architectural things digitally is so much easier with being able to undo, hehe. But largely that's due to working with my new tablet (or my work's tablet). The right equipment makes a huge difference, like anything really.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Beorn's Cottage Concepts Continued

Still working on an interior and details. May do more details to the elevations too in a bit. We'll see. Needs more carving and details.


It was looking rather plain so I added some carving. The reference images I have for the movie's version (which are all of 5 and of mostly interior and a couple not very good exteriors) showed a lot of heavy animal carving which i would have ascribed to anyhow. So I tried to follow that somewhat and come up with my own creative push. Some color concepts will flesh this out. I think I'm going to stay away from the interior and just focus on having a great exterior concept portfolio for this final. The interior is probably another week or two's worth of work just for basic concepts since the images I have are fragments of one room and I'd have to go into a full layout of rooms, crowd flow and all that fun stuff as well as concepts. 

BTW, the bee hives? Those are what some very rustic beehives look like (that or woven baskets) and they actually are on the building made for the movie from what I can tell. I thought it was a fun detail. When I looked up my own I had fun perusing all the different ways they used to harvest honey. Very instructive.

Also... I wish this would update the date or at least have a log of when I do an update. Guess I should just make another post instead of adding on to one, huh? Oh well. These were added Wednesday... the first three were tuesday. Something similar for the last post too. Bleh.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Beorn's Home & The Carrock Concepts

So I shall be doing a series of sketches and concepts digitally for one of the lands in Middle Earth. I have chosen to go with Beorn's Home and the Carrock... which is the first on the path of The Hobbit after the Shire. There is also a mixed bunch of reference. Some for the Misty Mountains and the Carrock but limited for Beorn's home... and with being a theme park there will be other details.

So here's one grayscale concept and more will pop up as I go.

Rough floor plan sketch of above concept

Another concept, drawn as elevation.

More sketches!
These done while sitting in the Magic Kingdom

Final-ish Designs:

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tablet, Dragon & Final Portfolio

I got the new Intuos5 tablet, medium. It's amaaaazing! Drawing on it is so very natural and precise. Still getting used to the shortcuts and button differences but part of that I think is the Mac/PC conversion too.

A sketch I started at work and continued at home:

For a sort of final portfolio I will be working on a series of quick 1-1.5 hour speed paintings for concepts of my Middle Earth Theme Park lands that I did an over all drawing for a while ago as well as color for that drawing. I will also be working on this and the interior shot but the focus will be on the speed paintings since that is largely what I have been studying more than anything else. Hopefully I can get bolder with the color and add in the elements I've been practicing.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Color Study

Another color study. This one like the last with no color reference from the image.

Still a bit of struggle with mid/background designations in color. Took about 1.5 hrs

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Tree Bedroom Progress

So I'm worming my way out of monochromatic slooooowly. It actually came up on a project at work today. >.<

I wish I was more confident with color on here. It actually really doesn't make sense why I'm not here but am with watercolor or colored pencil. o.O I mean, on here I can change it easily. On there I can't. Why on earth do I have this issue?

Anyhow, here is progress on the color scheme for the tree bedroom interior. I'll start refining the edges and contours next. Maybe add some more details to make it more 'lived in'.

I feel like it's a lot more cozy-happy. I sort of envision the home of the Badger in Narnia or some ground dwelling critter like Br'er Rabbit when I look at it. It fits that image so much better now. Figure I can throw some things on the stone basin and in the 'shelves' on the far left side of the frame. Maybe another throw rug. And of course sharpening up the knotted roots around the bed and the ceiling more.

Color Study

Catchin' back up!

Met with Imagineers at Disney and they say they want to see more elevations/interior designs. So expect a lot of those among my critters.

Here's a color study. I've been listening to Harry Potter books lately so maybe that's why i chose this image.

There was no perspective predrawing so it's not accurate to the image. Again, as a color study I'm mostly trying to get an understanding of color and light quickly. I will be working now on one of my other pieces to refine my detail work and will post that before bed.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Spoke Too Soon! **Progress**

So I spoke MUCH too soon when I said I was getting better. Body went crazy and I ended up with a horrible infection that had me out all week long between the infection itself and the medication (antibiotics are nasty nasty things).

So I'm afraid I don't have much and have fallen behind. I'll be working hard to catch up this week. I just finished a commission in watercolor and have been doodling a little both traditionally and digitally.

One of my little concept critter drawings in progress:

Started while watching Face Off so admittedly was a bit inspired to do some creature creation.\

So yes, catching up in the next week! Expect lots and lots of art! *knock on wooden things!*

Here's some progress on Fishy-beast:

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Water Practice

You may remember this tutorial I posted a bit ago.

I practiced one of the water types. Was really helpful to have a walkthrough to understand the process better.

Any comments, suggestions? I did it a bit differently, less hard lines largely because I don't really like the hard lined rocks.

So here it is!

Friday, August 2, 2013


So I started applying the same techniques for rocks on trees.

Likely do a few more of these studies as I go and resume color studies.